To order, please go to:
Ken Coton / Martin Plumb
Here's hoping for a bright 2019/20 season with the new signings!
PS Look out for an extended interview in the forthcoming retro football magazine BACKPASS about Ken Coton’s life on the road and the adventures and perils of a football photographer’s existence in days gone by!

David Lloyd on the Radio
Just before the TOOFIF Book was officially launched at the FST hosted event in November, Editor David Lloyd was interviewed on Radio 5 Live.
Apologies for the delay but we now have a copy here on the Home Page.
Click the Play Button below to have a listen:
An ad from one of the site's sponsors
The Little Windsor
13 Greyhound Road Sutton Surrey SM1 4BY
Tel: 020 8643 2574
A proper local pub, in Sutton, football friendly and which shows all Fulham games as well as many of the other Premier League games, European fixtures and International matches.
It's a Fullers House but also offers guest beers, and boasts a superb wine and spirit list in addition to great cocktails.
Hot food, sandwiches and snacks are available throughout the day. Our Chefs can create an unbeatable range of affordable, superb dishes at lunch times and evenings.
The Little Windsor has three screens, showing a wide range of televised sporting events including a full itinerary of football matches. The Premier League is featured and we show all of the best games including live Saturday kick-offs, except 3:00pm kick-offs, showing every Fulham game where permitted by the Premier League.
To see the scheduled matches for
October, click this link to visit the
TOOFIF Outlets Page where they
are listed in the Little Windsor piece.
Get your FFC Stats fix here
Little Windsor
This popular pub in Sutton is one of our TOOFIF Outlets and the Governor is a Fulham fan, where regulations permit they show Fulham games on the telly, this link is the Fullers page for the pub
The Hammy End
The name speaks for it really!
The Fulham Independent
The Independent Fulham Forum, they’ve been around for a while now.
News Now
A one-stop site for up to date Fulham news trawled from all over the web
This stats site, has access to every imaginable record of football stats in Europe
Vital Fulham
Another site dedicated to the Whites

Coulio's brilliant T-shirt site
Visit the Fulhamish Blogsite for news and views, download the app for your Tablet or ‘phone and listen
Friends of Fulham
It's quite obvious what this site is for!
Who ate all the pics
This site has some excellent historical photos of Craven cottage and other stadiums, or should that be stadia/stadii?
Fulham Web
A fan’s site that’s been around for 20 years now
An early TOOFIF site
I was surprised when this popped up in a Google search for some 'Minder' material, it was before David had managed to secure the TOOFIF URL names from the Rivals people that had set up the Football Message Boards back then. It makes interesting reading regarding what was happening at the time, Lukaku a transfer target!. It really shouldn't be there as I stopped hosting that years back/
Five games and we have nine points, that is not so bad!
billp TOOFIF Site updated Wednesday, 28 August 2019

These are some of the sites that TOOFIF likes (not in order of preference!)
Your suggestions will swell the list.

The 152nd Edition of TOOFIF will be available from all of the usual outlets as soon as the Editor has recuperated.
Pre-Championship Edition STILL ON SALE THOUGH, Get your's now!

Buy the book via PayPal, click the PayPal logo below
This is an all-in price of £33.95
for UK delivery, £41.95 for
Europe and £47.95 for the
rest of the world!

Reaction to the ghastly season, a chat with Danny Culip, more reaction to the awful results and contributions from our regular army of loyal scribes.
As usual, David Lloyd will be selling the magazine opposite the Hammersmith End turnstiles on home match days and the team of TOOFAgents will, again as usual, be positioned at various locations outside Craven Cottage along Stevenage Road.
The usual sales outlets will also have the magazine on sale and if you don't already have one, there is a subscription service accessible on the Subscriptions Page.
There is a dedicated page on this site, just as there was on the old one, listing the various places that sell TOOFIF irrespective of match days.

Apologies for retaining this piece It may be of interest to newcomers to the site, or maybe not!
billp TOOFIFMonday, 5 August 2019
The fabulous TOOFIF book is still available on this site!
I know, I wear my heart on my sleeve but honestly, the way the season went made it rather difficult to be objective when writing on the site.
I often have to remember that objectivity has to be the fulcrum on which articles are posted here but at the end of the day I'm a ticket paying sucker like everyone else and some things just have to be said.
However, this is not a vehicle for shouty opinions and it is under the TOOFIF banner so obviously I'll endeavour to keep it on message.
The next pages in the story of FFC will, unfortunately, begin with another seaon at least, in the second tier.
Many people believe that is about right and if the history of the club is glanced at, it's hard to argue with that assumption. After all, when the story of our club is looked at in the history books, the greater part of the club's time has been spent in the lesser leagues of the pyramid during the 140 years of our existence.
Those future pages in our story now will include another huge addition, the replacement of the Riverside Stand.
The current example replaced the old Thamesbank standing area and was associated with a relegation too, although, when planning began we were still in the old First Division. The then new Riverside Stand opened in 1972, and was celebrated by a visit of Eusabio's Benfica.
Something of a glamorous christening for a Second Division side who were destined to spend the ensuing twenty odd years in turmoil, lurching between ecstacy and despair, mostly despair and diabolical ownership..
I wonder who'll help Fulham celebrate the opening of this latest iteration, maybe Notts County? They're another sad victim of the merciless progress of organised football.
In 1888, Notts became one of 12 founder members of The Football League and ended the first season in 11th place, above Stoke City. A highest ever league finish of third was achieved in 1890-91 – a feat that was replicated in 1900.
They were inspirational trailblazers who influenced the Old Lady of Turin, Juventus still wear shirts based on the Magpie design of County's team shirts (as do the Toon). Now to welcome them here would definitely be a Fuhamish gesture, wouldn't it?
By the way, whatever happened to the glossy and innovative design of th new stand, the approved version doesn't exactly appear to be terribly innovative. The 2002 proposals look somewhat more stylish although admittedly probably a lot less practical, ho hum, at least it's all seems to be going ahead at long last.
The designs I've seen of the back of the Riverside's replacement look like we're transplanting a council estate library onto the Thamesbank and fitted an aerofoil from an Inycar on top of it.
Though, having said that, the 2002 design has Ena Sharples' hairnet suspended over it like a cheap nod at Wembley.

2002 Design proposal
2019 Design proposal
YUP, if you're here you now know that we are hosting a TOOFIF site for this season
Click here if you would like to contribute
I'll probably not carry on with the match reviews for every game but will pop one in here and there and if anybody out there would like to contribute their's or any other content, just email it to us.
The site is constantly updated with additions, whenever something of relevance comes along.
These can be anything, for instance to correct my flipping ghastly typing errors, when TOOFIF hears something on the grapevine or to announce TOOFIF Magazine and Book or Ashwater publishing dates.
Also when there's interesting news from FFC, announcements from the Supporters' Tust, when the Media come out with something worth mentioning (good, bad, inaccurate or amusing etc) and after TOOFIF Match Reviews are posted.

The books have now been Ashwater for a couple of weeks and as far as we know, we are up to date with posting up to last weekend. Certainly everyone in the UK should now have received their orders, most of Europe should also be OK by now. Please let us know if that is not the case.
We would once again like to say a very big thank you to all of you (regular and new) who have once again already taken our latest offering. It means a great deal to us.
We need to add the good news that now around 70% of the entire stock received has already been sold to customers in those first eight weeks. We have already received many positive testimonials back, which we are very grateful for, and the book seems to have 'hit the spot'.
Our biggest ever undertaking - The most definitive book on Fulham Football Club ever written.
There's only one F in Fulham the book
is still on sale £33.95 for UK delivery, details below and on it's dedicated page.
Ashwater Press also have a new Fulham book out:
Fulham – The Team
It's on sale £32.95 for UK delivery, a link to their site with details follows lower down this page.

Fulham Supporters' Trust
Keep up to date with information from the Fulham Supporters' Trust
via the page dedicated to them on this site using the navigation in the page heads.
We're Back SORT OF!
An announcement by David Lloyd about the Magazine
Sorry to report that the new issue of TOOFIF – issue 152 – is running late because of health issues. The Ed had to undergo an op during the close season and now needs to recharge his batteries.
Happily, DL is well on the way to recovery but it's not something that can be rushed so at the moment we do not have a confirmed date for the publication date for issue 152, watch this space.
Hopefully this will only result in a shortish delay, however the new mag will definitely miss a few home games at the beginning of this season.
Apologies for the ongoing delays but normal service will be resumed very soon. Watch this space for further details...
An announcement from Ashwater Press regarding their latest Fulham book
TOOFIF Biased Match Reviews have returned
Our match reports have been re-instated and, as in the past,each match has it's own page. The format has been simplified and I've dropped the historical record of past meetings with our opponents, links to those external pages will be added in the future.
Navigate from the Match Reviews button in the header.
The usual Home Page features are below the blank space on this page.
Unfortunately, in common with most fellow sufferers of my generation, when it comes to Fulham and success, I tend to come over all, well, reserved, bashful, embarrassed or downright cynical. I can't help it you see.
This syndrome comes with the role of following the oldest club in London really and is possibly something that becomes embedded from the beginning.
Even during days of promise, with the side bursting with quality players, including the Captain of England and sprinkled with Internationals, one of them a World cup winner with England, we constantly under achieved.
It's far to early to start thinking about the final League positions But there's no harm in taking stock
So when the Super Whites lost our first game of the season, I was not too surprised, cheesed off certainly but surprised, no.
That they bounce back from losing the Barnsley game and then reel oof three sucessive wins did catch me out though as I have been accustomed to Fulham sleep walking through the opening dozen or so games or more and improving towards the end of the year.
Fortunately for me, my backward looking mentality means that when it all goes Jamie Oliver, I am insulated from too much extreme angst.
And so it was on the lead up to the last home game against Nottingham Forest. All around me were happy, clappy, cheerful Fulhamites, idly gossiping about our wonderful collection of points and that the football was developing into an attractive passing style and converting chances too., maybe we could bounce back first time.
I fell into that to a degree and I could hear myself pontificating to all and sundry that passages of play in the games so far bore a remarkable similarity to that we witnessed in the early days of the marvelous season back in 2001 which elevated Fulham FC back to the top flight.
I even mentioned Jean Tigana in these converstations. This is something I do not bandy about needlessly as Jean was in my opinion the best manager we ever had (sorry Roy, Kevin, Slav and Alec, as well as many excellent others) but to me his name is something I still revere.
I did temper this nonsense though with my usual Fulhamish reservations and on the morning of the Forest game I was adamant in downplaying the optimism that was univerally beaming out of every Fulham orifice in the vicinity of Fulham and Putney.
"No guys, stop it, this is Fulham after all", I said in vain, "I predict we'll lose today and I feel tempted to stick a tenner on Forest winning this one 0-3".
You'd have thought I'd suggested that 911 and the demolition of the World Trade Centre had not been accomplished by non-pilots flying into them or that the Bible is an invention of the 5th Century Roman Empire, that the Chinese invented Fish and Chips or that Rolls Royce, Bentley and Mini are German.
I was nearly right though wasn't I? Despite all that, it's been a great first 5 games, one away loss, one away win, two home wins and one loss, nine points after five games is OK by me!
Well now we can concentrate on the league now that we don't have the Carabao Cup to occupy us
A Biased TOOFIF Carabao Match Review
is on its review page